Video is Versatile: How the Alzheimer's Association Uses Video Across Departments

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In today's digital age, organizations are increasingly turning to video as a powerful tool for both internal culture building and external engagement. The Alzheimer’s Association, a leading organization in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, exemplifies how effective video strategies can enhance member engagement, bolster advocacy efforts, and foster a cohesive organizational culture. Here’s an in-depth look at how the Alzheimer’s Association utilizes video to achieve these goals, based on a recent conversation with Marcie Stern from the Association.

The Challenge of Merging Cultures

When the Alzheimer’s Association merged 75 independent 501(c)(3) chapters into a single entity, it faced the significant challenge of integrating diverse organizational cultures. Marcie Stern emphasized that such a merger requires a thoughtful approach to culture-building. “It’s all in our behaviors, and it’s all from the top down,” she noted. The key to successful integration lies in aligning leaders’ actions with organizational values and fostering transparency. The Alzheimer’s Association has used Gather Voices to support this cultural shift by creating a platform for internal video communications, thereby enhancing the sense of unity and shared purpose among staff.

Mission Moments: Connecting Through Personal Stories

One of the innovative ways the Alzheimer’s Association uses video is through its “Mission Moments” campaign. This initiative features short, impactful videos where staff and volunteers share personal stories that highlight the organization's mission. For example, Zuleika Ramirez, an outreach and community educator from the Long Island Chapter, shared her experiences during National Hispanic Heritage Month. Her video, which discusses the impact of Alzheimer’s within the Hispanic community, serves as both an internal morale booster and an external outreach tool.

The success of Mission Moments lies in their ability to humanize the organization's work and connect staff and volunteers with the broader mission. “People feel that the work they’re doing is being seen and valued,” Stern explained. This approach not only acknowledges individual contributions but also reinforces the collective effort towards the Association’s goals.

Empowering Community Leaders Through Storytelling

The Alzheimer’s Association also uses video to empower community leaders. During their annual Community Leader Summit, they partnered with Second City to conduct a workshop on storytelling. This workshop was followed by a video submission campaign where community leaders practiced and showcased their storytelling skills. Priscilla Jean-Louis, a volunteer with the Tallahassee Walk to End Alzheimer's, created an emotionally resonant video that exemplified the power of personal storytelling in advocacy.

Michael Hoffman from Gather Voices highlighted the impact of such videos: “There’s something powerful about seeing people who have experienced the issue firsthand, sharing their stories and inviting others to join the cause.” This approach not only boosts engagement but also strengthens the emotional connection to the cause.

Influence and Impact: Engaging Elected Officials

Engaging influential figures is another effective video strategy employed by the Alzheimer’s Association. A notable example is Representative Joaquin Castro’s video encouraging support for the Walk to End Alzheimer's. His endorsement not only raises awareness but also lends credibility to the Association’s efforts.

Stern emphasized that such endorsements are crucial: “Having influential people involved in your videos can broaden the impact and raise awareness about the cause.” By leveraging the visibility of elected officials, the Association amplifies its message and engages a wider audience.

Best Practices for Video Campaigns

From the examples shared, several best practices emerge for organizations looking to harness the power of video:

  1. Simplicity and Accessibility: Make the video creation process as straightforward as possible. Provide clear instructions and allow participants to record multiple takes before submitting their final video.
  2. Showcase Examples: Use platforms like Gather Voices’ Hive to display examples of successful videos. This not only inspires others but also demonstrates the level of quality expected.
  3. Keep It Brief: Aim for concise videos that deliver impactful messages without overwhelming the viewer.
  4. Engage and Acknowledge: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of participants to foster a sense of value and belonging.
  5. Plan and Promote: Develop a clear plan for how and where videos will be displayed and promote the campaign in a way that encourages participation.

Looking Ahead

The Alzheimer’s Association is also planning future video campaigns to introduce new hires to the organization and to reinforce its core values. These initiatives will continue to leverage video to build culture and engage both internal and external audiences.

As organizations seek to connect with their communities and strengthen their internal cultures, the Alzheimer’s Association’s use of video offers valuable insights. By focusing on simplicity, engagement, and effective storytelling, organizations can harness the full potential of video to advance their missions and create meaningful connections.

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