Putting (Virtual) Butts in Seats: Using Video to Drive More Continuing Education Registrations

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In a recent webinar, Michael Hoffman, an expert in video strategy and marketing analytics, delved into the transformative potential of user-generated content (UGC) for organizations looking to enhance their marketing efforts. His insights provided a clear roadmap for leveraging video to engage audiences and drive conversions. Here’s a closer look at Hoffman's key points and strategies for implementing successful video campaigns.

Understanding Your Audience

Hoffman began by emphasizing the importance of understanding your audience. "The first step in any video campaign is knowing who you’re asking for videos from and who you’re targeting with those videos," he stated. He stressed that instructors and course creators are crucial contributors. "For instructors, it's vital to include a requirement in their contract to produce a 30-second video summarizing their course," Hoffman advised. This ensures that the production of promotional videos becomes a seamless part of their workflow rather than an afterthought.

Activating Video Creation

The next step involves activating the video creation process. Hoffman highlighted the significance of engaging various contributors, from instructors to alumni. "Focus on recent participants who can share their experiences and how they’ve applied the course learnings," he said. Hoffman suggested targeting individuals with strong social media followings and those eager to share their experiences. "Engage influencers and rising stars first. Their endorsement can significantly amplify your reach."

He also pointed out the importance of diverse representation in video content. "If you’re aiming to attract younger or more diverse members, it’s crucial to feature these groups in your videos," Hoffman noted. This approach not only resonates more with potential members but also enhances inclusivity.

Strategic Planning for Video Content

Effective planning is another cornerstone of Hoffman’s strategy. "Think about how many videos you need and where they will be published. Plan this in advance rather than collecting random content and figuring it out later," he advised. He recommended aligning video creation with email campaigns or social media posts to maximize impact.

Activating and Collecting Videos

Hoffman outlined practical steps for video collection. "Create specific video requests and communicate their importance clearly," he said. For Gather Voices clients, he highlighted the value of using the platform to generate and manage video requests efficiently. "Ensure that your requests are straightforward and include a clear call to action," he emphasized. 

Personal outreach and follow-ups are crucial in this process. "Don’t rely solely on mass emails. Personalized follow-ups can significantly increase response rates," Hoffman suggested. He also recommended utilizing group events and meetings to encourage video submissions. "Engaging directly with contributors during events can prompt more immediate and enthusiastic responses."

Year-Round Engagement

Hoffman advocated for ongoing video collection to avoid last-minute scrambles. "Automate video requests as soon as a course concludes, and integrate video requests into instructor onboarding processes," he recommended. This continuous engagement helps build a robust repository of video content, making it easier to deploy campaigns throughout the year.

Publishing and Managing Videos

Once the videos are collected, effective management and publication are essential. Hoffman advised leveraging the Gather Voices platform for branding and adding calls to action. "Embed videos on your website and integrate them into your social media and email strategies," he said. He underscored the need to treat video as an integral part of existing marketing efforts rather than a separate initiative.

Measuring and Adjusting

Hoffman stressed the importance of measuring the impact of video content. "Evaluate what you expected to achieve and analyze why certain aspects worked or didn’t work," he noted. Continuous improvement is key in digital marketing. "Experiment and adjust based on what you learn from your analytics," he advised.

Overcoming Challenges

Addressing a common challenge, Hoffman offered solutions for collecting videos from older adults. "Make the process as simple as possible and provide social proof to encourage participation," he suggested. He highlighted that demonstrating how others like them have successfully participated can reduce apprehension and increase engagement.

In closing, Hoffman encouraged organizations to rethink their approach to video content. "It’s not just about gathering one video; it’s about creating a culture of participation and engagement," he said. By focusing on user-generated content, organizations can build trust and credibility more effectively than through traditional marketing alone.

Michael Hoffman’s insights provide a valuable framework for organizations looking to leverage video strategy and marketing analytics to enhance their engagement efforts. By understanding their audience, activating video creation, and strategically managing content, organizations can unlock significant advantages and drive meaningful results.

For those interested in exploring these strategies further, Hoffman’s team offers support through Gather Voices, with resources to help plan, execute, and analyze video campaigns effectively.

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