How Are You Using AI in Your Work Today and How Do You See That Changing Over the Next Year?

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AI is transforming the event industry by boosting creativity, efficiency, and personalization. Here’s how event professionals are using AI today and their predictions for the future:

AI Enhances Marketing Functions and Personalization

“We use AI in translation, brainstorming, and developing audience personas,” says Kimberly Hardcastle, President at MDG. “The true potential of AI lies in gathering and using data to create personalized experiences.” Kimberly highlights AI's role in enhancing various marketing functions and its future potential in data utilization.

AI as a Virtual Assistant for Daily Efficiency

“I think of AI as my virtual assistant,” shares Dan Piva, Senior Business Development Manager at Gather Voices. “It’s a great idea generator and helps me work more efficiently every day.” Dan sees AI as an indispensable daily tool that inspires creativity and improves efficiency.

Balancing Speed and Accuracy in Content Creation

“AI provides a quick method to enhance our thoughts,” notes Clarissa Russel, Account Executive at She-Strategies Group. “But we must ensure the content remains accurate and reflects our client's values,” Clarissa emphasizes the speed and enhancement AI brings to content creation while stressing the importance of accuracy and alignment with client values.

Streamlining Sales and Marketing with AI

“AI eliminates cold calls and automates marketing,” explains Eric Rozenberg of Event Business Formula. “But we must remain focused on our goals and the human connection.” Eric appreciates AI's ability to streamline sales and marketing but warns against losing sight of core objectives and human interaction.

Using AI for Administrative Efficiency and Visual Aids

“I use AI for video summaries, note-taking, and email drafting,” says Stacie Resnik, Video Strategy / Customer Success Manager at Gather Voices. “AI will help more with graphics and design, but human creativity is irreplaceable.” Stacie uses AI for various administrative tasks and foresees its growing role in visual aids, yet values human creativity.

Balancing Efficiency with Authenticity

“I use AI for research, newsletters, and training,” states Ilana Cheyfitz, Senior Manager Video Strategist and Customer Support Representative at Gather Voices. “It’s about balancing efficiency with authenticity.” Ilana leverages AI for research and communication, focusing on balancing technological efficiency with maintaining authentic human elements.

AI is enhancing the event industry, but the human touch remains essential. As AI evolves, these professionals continue to innovate while staying true to their core values.

To hear the full answers of the experts we featured, click the image above or access the full gallery here.

At Gather Voices, we use AI to enhance our video creation platform, boosting creativity, efficiency, and personalization while maintaining authenticity. Discover how our tools can benefit your organization. Schedule a demo today.

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