Beyond the Main Stage: The Videos You Need to Improve Your Next Event

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In the rapidly evolving realm of digital marketing, effective video strategy and user-generated content marketing have become pivotal for engaging audiences. During a recent panel discussion, Michael Hoffman, a seasoned expert in video content, shared valuable insights into optimizing these elements for improved marketing strategy. Hoffman's discussion covered practical techniques for capturing compelling footage, leveraging user-generated content, and adapting video formats to various platforms.

Capturing Compelling Footage

A key aspect of video strategy is capturing engaging footage that resonates with the target audience. Hoffman highlighted several techniques that can elevate the quality of B-roll footage, which serves as a crucial component of video content.

One effective technique involves starting with close-up shots of specific actions and then gradually panning out to reveal the broader context. For instance, capturing a close-up of attendees’ hands or feet as they enter an event can add a layer of intrigue and context, making the final video more engaging. "You have to think, if I was just taking photos of this event, how would I want to tell the story of what happened?" Hoffman explained. This approach, he noted, mirrors the process of photographing an event and translates effectively into video.

Another technique Hoffman mentioned is setting up a camera on a tripod or leaning it against a wall to capture a time-lapse of a space filling up. This method can be particularly useful for showcasing the growth and energy of an event. By starting with an empty room and capturing it as it becomes populated, marketers can create dynamic footage that highlights the event's scale and atmosphere.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content marketing has emerged as a powerful tool in video strategy. Hoffman's discussion underscored the benefits of incorporating user-generated content into video campaigns. He emphasized the value of having multiple contributors, such as staff or event attendees, capture footage based on a shot list. This approach not only increases the quantity of available B-roll but also offers diverse perspectives.

"Having 10 people on staff who are each responsible for capturing different aspects of an event can yield a wealth of content," Hoffman noted. This strategy allows organizations to gather a rich variety of footage from different times of day and various angles, enhancing the overall quality and depth of the final video product.

Hoffman also discussed the importance of flexibility in video formats. He acknowledged that while horizontal video remains the standard, vertical video has gained prominence, particularly on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. "You have a lot more versatility if you shoot horizontal," Hoffman said, highlighting the ability to crop horizontal footage for vertical formats. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining a cohesive video strategy across different social media platforms.

Adapting Video Formats

The discussion also touched on adapting video formats to meet platform-specific requirements. Hoffman's insights revealed the importance of tailoring content to fit various digital environments. For example, using horizontal footage with blurred sides can effectively incorporate vertical video into a montage, maintaining visual appeal while accommodating diverse content types.

One notable example shared was the use of video in email marketing. Hoffman referenced a case where an event promotion video thumbnail significantly increased click-through rates in pre-event emails. "Putting a speaker intro video in your pre-event email, putting your event director talking about why it's going to be exciting, you're going to get more engagement on that video content than you are on a big text block," Hoffman explained. This demonstrates how integrating video into marketing strategy can enhance audience engagement and drive better results.

Practical Applications

The discussion also highlighted practical applications of video strategy in various contexts. For instance, Hoffman described how event organizers can maximize the impact of award ceremonies by incorporating video into the process. By having award winners record brief videos immediately after receiving their awards, organizers can create authentic and compelling content for social media and other promotional channels.

In addition to event coverage, Hoffman's insights extended to nonprofit organizations. He shared a case study of Friendly House, a women's rehabilitation center, which utilizes video to communicate its mission and impact. "Friendly House relies on donations to support its programs, and video is a powerful tool to convey the organization's story and encourage support," Hoffman noted. This example illustrates the role of video in enhancing nonprofit marketing strategy and fostering greater community engagement.


Michael Hoffman's panel discussion provided a wealth of knowledge on optimizing video strategy and leveraging user-generated content marketing. From capturing compelling footage to adapting video formats for various platforms, Hoffman's insights offer practical guidance for enhancing marketing strategy in the digital age. By embracing these techniques and incorporating user-generated content, organizations can create more engaging and effective video campaigns that resonate with their audiences.

As the landscape of digital marketing continues to evolve, staying informed about best practices in video strategy will be essential for achieving success. Hoffman's expert advice serves as a valuable resource for marketers looking to navigate this dynamic field and harness the full potential of video content.

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