All Video is Not Created Equal: How to Inspire Your Community to Action with Video Content that Inspires

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In a recent discussion hosted by Michael Hoffman, CEO and Co-Founder of Gather Voices, and Danny Alpert, Founder and Executive Director of Kindling Group, the focus was on the transformative power of video content in nonprofit marketing. The session, titled “All Video is Not Created Equal: How to Inspire Your Community to Action with Video Content that Inspires,” delved into the nuances of creating impactful video content that resonates with audiences and drives action.

The Power of Video in Nonprofit Marketing

Michael Hoffman began by introducing Gather Voices, a software company that streamlines the creation, management, and publishing of video content. With a background in digital marketing and nonprofit engagement, Hoffman emphasized the increasing importance of video in marketing and community engagement strategies for nonprofits and professional associations.

Danny Alpert, a seasoned documentary filmmaker with over 25 years of experience, shared his journey from a potential law career to founding Kindling Group, a nonprofit focused on creating documentaries that drive social impact. Alpert’s expertise lies in leveraging film to highlight critical issues and engage communities in meaningful dialogue and action.

Understanding the Complexity of Video Production

The discussion highlighted common challenges organizations face with video production, including cost, time, and complexity. Hoffman pointed out that while many organizations recognize the value of video, they often struggle to make it simple and affordable.

To address these challenges, the session underscored the importance of clearly defining goals, understanding the target audience, and developing a strategy that aligns with the organization’s mission. Alpert stressed the need for internal consensus on messaging and objectives before embarking on video projects to ensure alignment and avoid costly revisions.

Measurement and Impact of Video Content

Measurement remains a critical aspect of any marketing strategy. Hoffman and Alpert discussed the difficulty many organizations face in measuring the success of their video content. They emphasized that views alone do not equate to success; instead, the focus should be on meaningful engagement and actions taken by the audience.

Alpert shared an example of a nonprofit video featuring an A-list celebrity that garnered millions of views but failed to drive web traffic or donations. This anecdote highlighted the importance of targeting the right audience and having clear metrics for success beyond just view counts.

Creating Authentic and Engaging Content

One of the standout points of the discussion was the need for authenticity in video content. Alpert described the concept of film as an "empathy machine," capable of taking viewers into new experiences and perspectives. He shared insights from his documentary “No Small Matter,” which focuses on the critical importance of early childhood education. The film effectively uses personal stories and expert insights to convey its message, creating an emotional connection with viewers.

Leveraging Partnerships for Greater Reach

Alpert also discussed the importance of partnerships in amplifying the reach and impact of video projects. For “No Small Matter,” collaboration with various early childhood organizations and advocates was crucial in designing a community impact campaign that included screenings, discussion guides, and online engagement.

Another example was the “Veterans Coming Home” project, a web-based initiative aimed at bridging the military-civilian divide. The project produced over 130 short videos, combining personal stories with explainer videos to raise awareness and foster community engagement. A partnership with Vox significantly boosted the project’s reach, demonstrating the power of strategic alliances.

Innovating During the Pandemic

The pandemic presented unique challenges and opportunities for video production. Alpert shared how Kindling Group adapted by developing a “garage studio” that allowed them to continue filming remotely. Using iPhones and remote control technology, they were able to maintain production quality and conduct interviews safely. This innovative approach not only reduced costs but also highlighted the potential of modern technology in overcoming traditional barriers to video production.

Practical Takeaways for Nonprofits

For nonprofit marketers looking to enhance their video strategies, Hoffman and Alpert offered several key takeaways:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Understand what you want to achieve with your video content, who your target audience is, and what actions you want them to take.
  2. Engage Authentically: Authenticity is crucial. Find genuine stories and voices within your community to create content that resonates and builds trust.
  3. Leverage Technology: Utilize modern technology to simplify production and reduce costs. High-quality video can be produced using smartphones and accessible editing tools.
  4. Measure Effectively: Focus on metrics that matter, such as engagement and actions taken, rather than just view counts.
  5. Build Partnerships: Collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders to expand your reach and impact.


The insights shared by Hoffman and Alpert underscore the transformative potential of video content in nonprofit marketing and engagement. By focusing on authenticity, clear objectives, effective measurement, and strategic partnerships, organizations can create compelling video content that inspires action and drives meaningful impact.

For those interested in exploring these strategies further, Gather Voices and Kindling Group offer valuable resources and expertise to help nonprofits harness the power of video in their marketing efforts.

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